One Big Thing: data upskilling for all civil servants
One Big Thing is a new annual initiative for civil servants to take shared action each year around a reform priority. The focus for 2023 is data upskilling, with all civil servants undertaking a day’s worth of data training this Autumn.
Delivering government innovation with Evidence House
Led by the 10 Downing Street Data Science team, Evidence House is a new initiative that aims to radically upskill civil servants in data science, development and AI whilst delivering fresh insights and innovative solutions to government problems.
Scaling a service quickly, with the help of user research
I am a User Researcher working in Justice Digital as part of the HMPPS Digital team, we enable effective digital services for all who interact with the prison and probation service. The day I joined Justice Digital, a new digital …
An evaluation of Natasha’s Law and FSA’s next steps on food hypersensitivity
In October 2021, following the tragic death of Natasha Ednan-Laperouse, we introduced a new allergen labelling law, also known as Natasha’s Law. Deputy Director of Food Policy, Natasha Smith, has written about the impact of the law and our next steps in relation to food hypersensitivity.
Gearing up for a summer of swimming in our bathing waters
The blog is to signpost people ahead of the summer holidays where to go for up to date info on water quality, plus info on our sampling programme, highlighting river water quality challenges and explaining discounted samples.
CONTEST 2023 Factsheet
What is CONTEST? The Government’s counter-terrorism strategy, CONTEST, was first established in 2003. On Tuesday 18 July, the government published CONTEST 2023 (the fourth iteration). The strategy’s objective continues to be to reduce the risk from terrorism to the UK, …
Antibiotic-resistant gonorrhoea: staying well while travelling
In this blog, we take a look at one STI that is circulating in popular holiday destinations and why it’s so important to use protection wherever you’re travelling to.
Coverage of the third National Adaptation Programme launch
Today, we look at coverage following the launch of the third National Adaptation Programme which sets out a five-year plan to boost resilience to climate change.
One year on from the refreshed School Resource Management (SRM) strategy
Cherise Heavey, Communications and User-Engagement Lead from the School Resource Management (SRM) team, explains what the SRM offer is, what's new in the SRM offer, and what's coming up in 2023.
What do first-time users think of the GOV.UK Prototype Kit?
How user research has helped us understand the impact changes in Version 13 had on both new and existing users.
Nominations are open for the Civil Service Awards 2023 - deadline extended
Best Use of Data, Science, and Technology Award Calling all those who work with science, data, technology, or in multidisciplinary teams! There is still time to submit nominations for the Best Use of Data, Science, and Technology Award which is …
Supporting adult carers: our role as care professionals
NICE (the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) published their guidance on supporting adult carers in 2020. It aims to improve their lives by helping health and social care practitioners identify people caring for someone and give them the right information and resources to live and care well.
Coverage of the new measures that aim to support the fishing industry and marine environment
There has been widespread coverage in The Sunday Telegraph, The Independent and on BBC News Northern Ireland following our announcement that sets out further steps to deliver a thriving, sustainable fishing industry and healthy marine environment for generations to come. …
How we’re improving the quality of degrees
It’s crucial that university courses give students the skills they need to enter the world of work. Our universities are world-leading and the majority of degrees help to prepare young people for the future. However, we know there are some …
Care Leavers Internship Scheme: Candice's Story
The Civil Service Care Leavers Internship Scheme gives care leavers the chance to benefit from a 12-month paid internship in a central Government department or agency, with the possibility of the post being made permanent at the end of the …
Insights from the inspection of initial teacher education (ITE) providers
Initial teacher education (ITE), together with the early career framework and national professional qualifications form the ‘golden thread’ of teacher training and professional development. The aim is to develop high-quality teachers and leaders, which is vital for giving pupils the …
UK Space Agency team lands at 2023 Royal International Air Tattoo
A team from the UK Space Agency has been inspiring young people about the wonders of space at this year’s Royal International Air Tattoo in Gloucestershire.
People, progress and purpose in the criminal courts
Nick Goodwin, CEO of HMCTS, provides an update on the progress and performance within our criminal courts.
The Fens – preserving the ‘breadbasket of Britain’
The Fens and Coastal lowlands, located across parts of Norfolk, Cambridgeshire and Lincolnshire is 5000km2 hectares of historically swamp, marsh and wetland. It is an entirely unnatural landscape and we can only live and work here because of the way …
Countryside Stewardship: Higher Tier agreements to start in 2024
The window for applications for Countryside Stewardship Higher Tier closed in April. Mid Tier and Wildlife Offer agreements are still open for applications until 18 August 2023. A number of 3-year capital grants are also open to help achieve specific environmental benefits, including a new Higher Tier Capital grant, woodland tree heath grants and Woodland Management Plans. In this post, we’ll set out the process for assessing applications and provide an update on the number of applications being taken forward.
Economic outputs and key systems - where our new Technical Lead role fits in
We talk to Alastair Christie, Head of Partnership Development within our Digital Services & Technology (DST) directorate to learn about the tech lead role that will help develop a new system to underpin the statistical outputs on the UK economy.
Turing Scheme – record successful applications
The Turing Scheme is the UK government’s work and study programme, helping students and pupils to benefit from lifechanging overseas opportunities. It gives pupils, learners and students in UK schools, colleges, and universities the chance to learn new skills, travel …
What we’re working on: PN testing and cameras in garages trial
Chris Price takes a closer look at DfT's MOT Particle Number testing to improve environmental outcomes and gives more insight into DVSA's connected cameras trial to support testers in their role.
Serving up aces at Wimbledon
From graphite tennis rackets to fluorescent yellow balls, intellectual property is everywhere you look in the game of tennis. We explore some of the innovations behind the legendary Wimbledon championship.
Government accepts recommendations from NHS pay review bodies
*Updated on 26 October* The government has accepted the recommendations of the Independent Review Body on Doctors' and Dentists' Remuneration’s (DDRB). The decision means that doctors in training (junior doctors) have received a permanent pay increase of on average 8.8% …
World Youth Skills Day: developing skills at HMRC
The year's theme for 'World Youth Skills Day' is 'skilling teachers, trainers and youth for a transformative future.' It aims to highlight the importance of teachers in supporting young people and equipping them with the skills they need for the …
Trustee and public trust research
It has been a consistent priority for the Charity Commission to learn more about the public’s attitudes towards charities and trustees’ understanding of their role.
Taking action for nature recovery and a more wooded landscape
At the end of June, government announced new funding for local authorities developing Local Nature Recovery Strategies. Here we look at how we are supporting them and what they mean for trees and woodlands.
Space engineering degree apprenticeship – we have liftoff!
All systems are go for a new degree apprenticeship, which will launch people of all backgrounds into a fascinating career in space engineering. Apprentices on the new Level 6 Space Systems programme will access high quality training in the space …
Coverage of unlimited penalties for environmental polluters
Today, we are looking at coverage of new laws removing the cap on variable monetary penalties, as well as the Environment Agency’s annual report on water companies’ environmental performance.
Taking a holistic approach to coastal habitat restoration
Environment Agency Chief Scientist Rob Bradburne sets out his views for coastal restoration for his speech at the Restoring Meadow, Marsh and Reef (ReMeMaRe) conference in Scarborough this week
Why being a social mobility ambassador is important to me
As the world prepares to celebrate World Youth Skills Day, Lead Content Designer Leyla Kee-McParlin reflects on her experience of supporting the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) Social Mobility Ambassadors Schools Programme, and what it’s given her, and explains what networks are doing both in Defra and across government to improve career progression in the Civil Service for those from low socio-economic backgrounds.
Insights from our first full inspections of lead providers of the new early career framework (ECF)
High-quality teachers are essential for giving all pupils the very best education. This is especially true for pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds, those with English as an additional language and those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). High-quality training and …
Why should we share data?
The South West Pacific Hydrographic Commission work together to establish the benefits of sharing marine spatial data. Members of the Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure (MSDI) Working Group, formed by representatives of the member states of the South West Pacific Hydrographic …
Teacher strikes: Everything you need to know about the 2023/24 teacher pay award
NOTE: This post was updated on 02/08/23 to acknowledge the latest developments. School teachers in England have been given a pay award of 6.5% as the Government accepted all the recommendations set out by the independent body advising on teacher …
The founding of the NHS: 75 years on
On 5th July 1948 the National Health Service was established in the United Kingdom. Britain was the first western country to offer free at the point of use medical care to the whole population.[1] Seventy-five years on the NHS continues …
How home improvements affect your Council Tax band
In this blog, we explain what happens to your Council Tax band when you make changes to your home.
Finding innovative solutions through the DBT Data Challenge
How teams from across DBT collaborated to win the DBT Data Challenge.
Hot weather and heatwaves: guidance for schools and other education settings
There are several ways that schools can make changes to keep children safe in hot weather, especially as children are more at risk of becoming ill with heat-related issues than adults. The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has published updated guidance …
Helping people navigate the justice system: signposting in action
Following Miriam Davidson’s blog on our signposting strategy Charlotte Rook, at Support Through Court, shares what happens after we signpost a person to their charity for help.