Farmers lead the way toward sustainable food production in East Kent
As a farm conservation adviser for Natural England, I’ve been working closely with farmers across Kent for 25 years to support them to incorporate wildlife friendly farming practices across 25,000 hectares of farmed landscape.
By building long term, collaborative relationships with farmers on the ground and helping them enter environmental schemes such as Countryside Stewardship, farmers are driving significant changes on both a farm and landscape scale to increase food production while simultaneously protecting and enhancing the environment -
Discovering data across government
Keiran Millard, Head of Data Architecture at CDDO discusses how his team are working to deliver Data Marketplace, a cross-government hub offering accessible and responsibly shared data, designed to drive service improvement.
The Sustainable Farming Incentive
Over 20,000 farmers have already applied for an SFI agreement. Apply today and choose from the 23 actions currently on offer. You will receive your first payment 4 months after your agreement starts. After that, you’ll be paid every 3 months, so you have a regular, reliable income.
Updated 29 April
How prototyping helps us deliver better user experiences
Prototypes allow us to evaluate the designs of our services and decide if they're fit for purpose. Find out more about why we use them.
It’s Illegal to advertise products imported under the Special Import System
Manufacturers, distributors, and wholesalers cannot promote or advertise products imported under the Special Import Scheme. Jackie Catterall, Regional Managing Inspector (Northern Region) and Stacey Brown, Head of Supply Team, explain why. Specially imported products are considered to be unauthorised veterinary …
Shaping the Smart World: We're recruiting an Enforcement Team Leader to help protect UK home devices
Step into the role of an Enforcement Team leader within the Product Regulations Team. You will spearhead the team's efforts in enforcing the Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure Regulations.
Why woodland management matters
Woodland Resilience Adviser Chris explores the different threats facing our woodlands, and how woodland management can help mitigate these threats and increase the future health and resilience of our woodlands.
Seven ways to make the Civil Service more innovative…
The fast pace of technological change is creating new opportunities for how we can deliver exceptional public service. But I’ve always thought that telling people: “Be more innovative!” is a fairly unhelpful instruction. Over the last six months, I’ve been …
Weir making a real difference to water quality on the River Cole
The Environment Agency enables partnerships to come together and improve the local environment to benefit wildlife and communities. Catchment Coordinator for the EA, Adam Noon, tells us more about removing Ackers Weir on the River Cole in East Birmingham.
New developments for STEM Futures
STEM Futures is a knowledge-exchange scheme which brings together cross-sector partners to develop science-skills capability. The scheme is owned and managed by the Government Science and Engineering Profession. There have been some exciting developments over the summer for STEM Futures! …
Into the deep: How Cefas science of the deep-sea is exploring uncharted waters
The deep-sea covers more than 60% of the Earth's surface. Deep-sea ecosystems are amongst the least well understood owing to the combined challenges of remoteness, vastness, and the difficulties of exploring its depths. The ‘deep-sea’ is a catch-all term that …
Strengthening the Ranks: Royal Gibraltar Regiment (RG) soldiers excel at infantry battle school.
In a display of unwavering determination and commitment, several members of the Royal Gibraltar Regiment have returned from the gruelling challenges of the Infantry Battle School with impressive achievements under their belts. The past week marked a significant milestone as …
UK Space Agency to bring its 'Space for Everyone' STEAM tour to Wrexham
The UK Space Agency will be docking its 72ft model rocket at Queens Square, Wrexham!
Improving New Style benefits: the Government's response to our recommendations
Last year we completed an extensive study into how the two contributory benefits for those of working age who are not in paid work: New Style Jobseeker’s Allowance and New Style Employment and Support Allowance. We found much that works …
Response to an investigation by the Office for Environmental Protection
Today’s blog sets out the government and Environment Agency response to an investigation update from the OEP.
Innovation in action at UK’s first all-electric prison
Jon Loveday, Director of Infrastructure, Enterprise and Growth, and Alison Baptiste, Director of Public and Security Services at the Infrastructure and Projects Authority (IPA), share their thoughts following a site visit to the HMP Millsike Programme. HMP Millsike is a …
My experience of using Get help buying for schools to buy cleaning services for my school
In this blog post, Zoe Allcott, Business Manager at Thrive Education Partnership, shares her experience of using the Get help buying for schools service, including the level of support she received and how the service has helped her to upskill.
Introducing You To...
Hello! My name is Jo Ransome, and I work in RPA’s Customer Insight Team. My role covers everything related to gathering insight. The Research and Insight Network Group started just over a year ago and it’s a very busy environment …
Libraries paving the way for youth enterprise
Libraries are the perfect setting to engage youth audiences, with entrepreneurial activities attractive to even the hardest to reach teenagers. Oxford Westgate Library became a member of the British Library Business & IP Centre (BIPC) National Network one year ago. …
Using the power of data to build the UK’s health security
Data is essential to health security, underpinning our ability to prepare for, prevent and respond to health threats so we can save lives and protect livelihoods. We have published a data strategy setting out a unified approach to data which supports our 3-year strategic plan.
The LPC has updated its definitions of ‘low-paying sectors’
At the Low Pay Commission (LPC), we do a lot of work to monitor trends in the low-paid labour market. Each year, we talk to employers and workers across a range of sectors, as well as producing bespoke analysis on …
Giving all children the best start in life
A child’s early education lasts a lifetime. That’s why giving all children ‘the best start in life’ is crucial and one of Ofsted’s strategic priorities. In this blog, I want to update you on some of the work we’ve been …
A comet newcomer and autumn returns: the night sky in September
While the summer stars and constellations remain (much like the summer weather recently!), it’s a great month to see the planets Jupiter, Saturn and Venus, and there’s also a chance of spotting a newly discovered comet!
Counter-Drones Science & Technology Senior Policy Advisor required
Are you interested in understanding the security risks posed by drones and the rapidly evolving technology of drone and counter-drones systems? The role This post is a SEO policy and science & technology (S&T) hybrid. It sits within the …
Invasive species: A global problem we can tackle together
This week, a major new report on invasive species was published by the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). It highlights the seriousness of the threat posed by invasive non-native species but shows that by working together with greater coordination and resources we can successfully tackle the threat.
A Day in the Life of an Infrastructure Inspector
Have you ever wondered what it's like to be an Infrastructure Inspector at the Planning Inspectorate?
Two of our inspectors, Menaka and Jason, shed light on the exciting challenges and responsibilities that come with this role.
HM King Charles III Accession To The Throne 21 Gun Royal Salute
The Royal Gibraltar Regiment, led by members of Thomson’s Battery, proudly conducted a 21 round Royal Gun Salute to mark the 1st anniversary of His Majesty King Charles III’s accession to the throne. The salute was executed with immense pride …
Systems thinking for policymaking
Alyx Slater from Food Standards Agency reflects on why systems thinking is an essential component of policy design.
Coverage of start of work on major flood risk management scheme in Bewdley
Today we are looking at coverage of the official start of work on a major flood risk management scheme at Beales Corner in Bewdley, Worcestershire.
Homes England plays an active role in delivering biodiversity net gain
In this blog, we explore what biodiversity net gain means to some of our stakeholders and how they overcome issues they encounter. Lisa Palframan – Senior Technical Manager with Homes England (HE) explains how HE are building experience in delivering …
Digitisation is the power to improve care
High-quality care planning is at the heart of delivering safer, more personalised, care. Moving care plans into a digital format, called a digital social care record (DSCR), makes it easier for care providers to manage care and respond to people’s needs more rapidly.
Great British Nuclear calls for nuclear talent
Great British Nuclear has issued a call for industry talent to come and join them on secondment, to help drive Britain's nuclear industry forward.
How we’re safeguarding students and learners from radicalisation
Education settings play an important role in keeping young people safe from different forms of harm, including from substance abuse, gangs, neglect and sexual exploitation. All schools and registered childcare providers are required to help prevent the risk of people …
We all need to take part to tackle the nuclear skills challenge
Great British Nuclear Chair, Simon Bowen, sets out how the industry working together is key to tackle the forthcoming nuclear skills challenge.
Delivering the ambition by changing the approach
To mark Nuclear Week in Parliament, Gwen Parry-Jones, interim CEO of Great British Nuclear, talks about the organisation's aim to make nuclear ambition a reality.
Independent Review of Prevent Factsheet
What is the Independent Review of Prevent? During the passage of the Counter Terrorism and Border Security Act 2019 on 12 February 2019, the government committed to carrying out an independent review of Prevent. William Shawcross was appointed as the …
Prevent duty guidance factsheet
What is the Prevent duty? The Prevent duty was established by the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 and places a duty on specified authorities such as education, health, local authorities, police and criminal justice agencies (prisons and probation) to have …
Prevent and Channel factsheet - 2023
What is the Prevent programme? The core mission of Prevent is stopping people from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. The early intervention support provided by Prevent addresses the personal, ideological, and social factors which make people more susceptible to radicalisation. …
Results from the latest report into UK salmon stocks
Salmon are a keystone species and an iconic indicator of a healthy, clean environment and highly valued by the general public and by those who fish for them. Every year, the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science, the Environment Agency and Natural Resources Wales report on the state of our salmon stock levels, to help determine any actions that need to be taken to protect this species.
Technology and innovation shaping delivery of the NDA mission
Professor Melanie Brownridge is the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) Technology and Innovation Director. She studied chemistry to PhD level in the UK and Germany and some of her other achievements include being a visiting professor at University of Leeds, international …