Citizen Science in East Anglia
Citizen science initiatives provide invaluable data about our water environment and complement our own monitoring and assessment work, enabling a greater understanding of the issues we face and how together we can take action going forward. John Findlay, who works in the East Anglia analysis and reporting team at the EA, writes here about his role and the data his team is collecting.
Science Sparks: igniting interest in the community
Sarah Stewart, Science Stakeholder Engagement and Events Manager at APHA describes how she is building our APHA Science STEM Ambassador Group, recent events we have attended and how you can invite an ambassador to your event.
Get ready for Self Care Week
Self Care Week returns 13-19 November this year. It's the annual, UK-wide awareness week run by the Self Care Forum, a charity aiming to further the reach of self-care in the population, making it everyone’s everyday habit and culture, to think and practice self-care.
Learning from Canada - Q & A with Jamie Matear
Q & A with Jamie Matear, Director of Siting Coordination at Canada’s Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) Jamie visited Nuclear Waste Services earlier this year as part of a collaboration and learning visit. We sat down with Jamie to find …
Take the adult social care workforce wellbeing survey
In collaboration with Skills for Care, Ipsos, and The University of Kent, a national survey was recently launched to learn more about how we can improve support for the adult social care workforce. Have you had your say yet?
Changes announced to better protect England’s chalk streams
New changes have been brought to the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill (LURB) to help better protect England's chalk streams
Working to improve Yorkshire’s globally rare habitats
The Environment Agency’s Amanda Foster looks at work to improve chalk streams in Yorkshire.
Farming podcast: Learning more about SFI in 2023 with the NFU
In this episode of the Farming podcast, Jonathan Marsden, Head of Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) talks to Claire Robinson, Senior Countryside Adviser for the National Farmers Union (NFU). The pair discuss what you need to know as a farmer to get ready for SFI this year.
The Engineering Profession at the Home Office
Being a part of our Engineering Profession means you’ll enjoy access to new and exciting technology, clear career pathways and support to keep learning and growing.
Creating a Wildlife Corridor in the River Lugg
Jude Ward, Biodiversity Technical Specialist, West Midlands The Environment Agency maintains a number of flood and coastal defence assets across 7000km of river. It’s my job as a biodiversity technical specialist to ensure these assets are maintained, repaired, and created …
Get Winter Strong: why having a flu vaccination matters
Despite the recent hot and sunny weather, winter is coming, and with it comes an increased risk of catching flu. Flu can leave many of us feeling dreadful and laid up in bed for days, but for certain groups, the …
Why there’s lots of design in content design
Well-designed information is likely to have been through a content design process - a digital discipline we’re committed to at the Department for Business and Trade (DBT)
Undertaking GOV.UK's largest software infrastructure project
The team moved GOV.UK to a container based platform, which makes GOV.UK more secure, easier to scale and eliminates repetitive tasks for developers.
Launch of reformed Better Regulation Framework
The Regulatory Policy Committee welcomes the launch of the reformed Better Regulation Framework, in which the RPC will continue to offer independent scrutiny of the evidence supporting regulatory proposals.
Get Winter Strong: revisiting respiratory infection guidance for a safer season
What is the latest guidance on COVID-19? Ahead of winter 2023, we take a look at the current advice on what we can all do to help stop the spread of COVID-19, influenza (flu) and other respiratory infections that peak during the colder months.
Government response to House of Lords report on the water industry
Today, we are responding to a letter from the House of Lords Industry and Regulators Committee on regulation of the water industry.
Sustainable navigation for the African Great Lakes and Rivers
The Southern African and Islands Hydrographic Commission (SAIHC) established a sub working group in February 2021 for the African Great Lakes and Rivers, after recognising the in-land waterways’ importance to the region’s transport and trade.
How we are transforming student finance with the Lifelong Learning Entitlement
Getting an education doesn’t stop when you leave school. We want to make sure people have the opportunity to learn, upskill and retrain over the course of their lifetime with our Lifelong Learning Entitlement (LLE) plan. Under the plans, people looking to …
Brook House Inquiry: Home Office Statement
Home Office statement following the publication of the Brook House Inquiry report.
Join our Scientific Advisory Committees
We hear from current members of our Scientific Advisory Committees (SACs) to find out about their roles, and to hear about their experience of being a SAC member.
UK Space Agency to bring its 'Space for Everyone' STEAM tour to Glasgow
The UK Space Agency's Space for Everyone tour is coming to Glasgow!
How nurses can support patient safety through reporting adverse incidents
On World Patient Safety Day, Holly Coole, registered mental health nurse and senior manager for digital mental health at the MHRA, discusses how the safety of medical products is monitored and how all nurses can help ensure potential issues are …
Why Professional Care Workers' Week matters
As the much-anticipated Professional Care Workers’ Week in 2023 gets underway, Chief Executive, Karolina Gerlich, is thrilled to share why The Care Workers Charity promotes this vital week of awareness and appreciation.
Encouraging population growth for hen harriers as 141 chicks recorded in 2023
Today we are looking at media coverage of Natural England’s announcement on hen harrier breeding figures for 2023.
The Forestry Commission’s new approach to consultation on forestry applications
We asked the Secretary of State for Defra to withdraw the 1984 Ministerial Direction on consultation of forestry applications and associated Ministerial Statements. Here we explain what that means.
Redesigning the DDaT Capability Framework
The Capability Framework articulates standards of capability in digital, data and technology roles. It was originally developed in 2017 and now updated beta version has been launched. Read about what's been changed, the user research behind the changes and other planned developments.
IID3 - why research into infectious intestinal disease matters
One of the Food Standards Agency's ongoing commitments to food safety is surveillance. As part of this, we actively monitor the levels of infectious intestinal disease (IID) in the UK.
While we regularly review the number of confirmed IID cases, not all cases that occur in the UK population will be recorded by public health systems.
Environment Secretary on the XL Bully ban
Environment Secretary Therese Coffey writes an opinion piece following on from the Government decision to ban the XL Bully dog. This piece has been published in the Express Shocking incidents cause concern among our communities and are a clear demonstration …
Further increase in English Hen Harrier numbers recorded in 2023
By John Holmes, Strategy Director, Natural England. The Hen Harrier, an iconic bird of upland landscapes, is one of our rarest birds of prey. Driven to extinction in mainland Britain in the 19th century, since recolonising England in the 1960s …
High Court judgment on Storm Overflows Discharge Reduction Plan
The High Court has rejected claims that the government’s Storm Overflows Discharge Reduction Plan is unlawful,
Everything you need to know about NASUWT’s Action Short of Strike Action
The National Association of Schoolmasters/Union of Women Teachers (NASUWT) has announced it will be taking Action Short of Strike Action from Monday 18 September 2023. This doesn’t mean that teachers are going on strike again. Earlier this year, schoolteachers in …
Syphilis: get tested, get treated
This blog covers the risk factors for syphilis, its signs and symptoms, and how it can be prevented.
UK NSC announces new screening seminars
The UK National Screening Committee (UK NSC) today launches a programme of online seminars for stakeholders. There are currently 3 to choose from and they are all free.
FACTSHEET: Proscription
The key statistics section has been updated in this factsheet on 6 September 2023. What is proscription? Proscription is the banning of an organisation based on an assessment that it commits or participates in, prepares for, promotes or encourages, or …
The increase in the cost of regulation on business and the end of the BIT
Stephen Gibson comments on the repeal of the business impact target, which paves the way for reform of the UK's Better Regulation Framework.
Get Cloud Certified this October
In celebration of the 10th anniversary, and the recent refresh, of the Government Cloud First policy, the Central Digital and Data Office (CDDO) is excited to announce UK Public Sector Cloud Certification October! This is the most exciting month for …
Accelerated SFI payments and plans to boost British produce announced at Back British Farming Day
Yesterday was Back British Farming Day, where the government announced a package of measures to help people “buy British” and provide farmers with the cashflow they need to invest in their businesses – which have been widely among farming trade press, including Farmers Weekly and Farmers Guardian.
The British Army's elite Airborne Sappers hone their urban operation skills as they take on Exercise Barbary Sun.
Exercise Barbary Sun saw 9 Parachute Squadron (9 Para Sqn RE) utilise the unique facilities available in Gibraltar to develop the skills required to conduct dismounted close combat battle craft syllabus and combat engineering in the urban and subterranean environment, …
Species Recovery Programme Capital Grant Scheme awards
By Karen Shelley-Jones, Species Recovery Programme Manager and James Phillips, Principal Adviser for Species Recovery and Species Re-introductions England’s species are amazing. They can charm, intrigue, amaze, inspire and frighten us. They spark our interest and concern. They are also …
Your next step: The importance of Professional Recognition
“I am delighted to endorse the GSE Professional Recognition Offer which is re-launching with Recognition Week this September. This is a series of webinars from the GSE Profession and partner institutions, running from 25 to 29 September 2023. Every level …