Our test and learn approach
Although we’ve written about what we’re doing and how we’re doing it, we thought it might be useful to provide some rationale for our test and learn approach to designing and rolling out reform.
Curious about what’s it like being an Inspector?
Curious about what’s it like being an Inspector? Two school HMI talk about their journey into the role and what the job involves.
Things we learned about co-design at this summer's agricultural shows
We recently published a blog post about the things we learned at this summer’s agricultural shows which took place up and down the country. At most of those shows, we ran co-design taster sessions for members of the farming community, so they could get a sense, first-hand, of how they could shape our policies. In this post, we're going to talk about some other things we learned that directly relate to co-design.
Automation in land registration
HM Land Registry is exploring the next steps in introducing greater levels of automation.
Government’s Vision: Building Back Better and Transforming Infrastructure Performance
Nick Smallwood, Chief Executive Officer of the Infrastructure and Projects Authority, discusses what the newly published National Infrastructure and Construction Pipeline and Transforming Infrastructure Performance: Roadmap to 2030 mean for the construction sector and the country's infrastructure.
Valuable feedback from newborn blood spot failsafe solution (NBSFS) survey
The PHE newborn blood spot (NBS) screening team has analysed results from its evaluation survey of the newborn blood spot failsafe solution.
FACTSHEET: UK support to resettle Afghan nationals - ARAP scheme
The UK Government programme to resettle Afghan nationals who have supported British efforts in Afghanistan The UK Government established a bespoke resettlement scheme this year for current and former Locally Employed Staff in Afghanistan. The Afghan Relocations and Assistance Policy …
FACTSHEET: ACRS and other routes
Meet our new Mental Health Social Work Lead
Lyn Romeo, Chief Social Worker for Adults, is delighted to confirm the appointment of Jason Brandon as the Mental Health Social Work Lead, following recruitment into a two year secondment. Jason will provide professional leadership support to her office to improve social work across mental health services, delivered in local authorities and NHS trusts.
Seed bombing project in Kenya takes root
With my colleagues in the Overseas and Training (OS & TRG) team in Kenya, I’ve been working on a project to increase the number of trees on the British Army Training Unit Kenya (BATUK). We’re doing this through seed bombing, …
£24 million for fisheries science projects
In today’s blog we look at media coverage of the launch of the Science and Innovation pillar of the Government’s UK Seafood Fund.
Biodiversity and the role of actuaries
In this blog we focus on how actuaries are examining issues and upcoming problems associated with biodiversity loss. GAD actuary Georgi Bedenham looks at the role of actuaries and how they can help.
Read, Talk, Share – Stories from the frontline
The Reading Agency shares stories from libraries and participants involved in its Reading Friends programme.
Future Leaders Academy applications now closed
The deadline for applications for the Future Leaders Online Academy is Wednesday 15 September
The Institute talks...about 'raising the standards: the apprentice guide to quality apprenticeships'
You can subscribe to The Institute talks podcast on Amazon Music, Apple podcast, Spotify and all other major podcast platforms. You can read transcripts for this podcast episode on Podbean. In this episode of The Institute talks, we talk about the new guidance created by …
How to measure the impacts of regulation on business
RPC committee member Jonathan Cave sets out some of the issues to consider in measuring the impacts of regulation.
How tech solutions helped hear a complex murder trial
Fitting together all the pieces when hearing a murder trial is always challenging for the Crown Court. Add in multiple defendants and the impact of essential safety measures, and the picture becomes even more complicated. Laura Connor outlines helped hear a complex trial in this blog.
You can make a difference by supporting those around you
You can make a difference by supporting those around you In this anonymous blog, a colleague discusses their experience supporting a family member to raise awareness for World Suicide Prevention Day on Friday, 10 September. Life can be difficult for …
What the Experts say: Schools are not drivers of Covid infection
Public Health England’s medical director, Dr Yvonne Doyle, has said schools are not "drivers" or "hubs" of Covid infection.
Would you like to join a UK NSC reference group?
The fetal, maternal and child health (FMCH) group and adult reference group (ARG) of the UK NSC are looking for new members.
Removing unexploded ordnance at Former Air Weapons Range RAF Cowden
I recently organised and held a visitors’ day to highlight the MOD’s approach to removing unexploded ordnance from Mappleton Beach at Former Air Weapons Range RAF Cowden. The visit also enabled DIO to further connect with stakeholders on this unique …
The secret to great geospatial data portals: start with the user
Guest blog by Carl Watson, Senior Analyst and UX Lead, British Geological Survey who shares the steps taken to build a data portal for the user. “After listening to what real users want we have created guidelines for Designing Geospatial …
Remembrance and reflection
Social care bodies across England have joined together to announce a Social Care Day of Remembrance and Reflection. It will take place, next year, on 22 March and be a day to honour the work of the adult social care workforce and remember those we lost. Chief Nurse for Adult Social Care, Deborah Sturdy, explains the background...
Continuing to improve Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (ED&I) at the Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation (CDEI)
DCMS has today announced appointments to our refreshed advisory board, helping to lead the Centre in its next phase. Going forward, we’ll be focusing our efforts on enabling trustworthy innovation in the real-world, and delivering on the priorities set out in …
Enabling trustworthy innovation to thrive in the UK
I’m delighted that DCMS have today announced the members of our refreshed advisory board and updated on the Centre’s remit going forward. Since the CDEI was established in 2018, we have published internationally recognised research, including into two of the …
Innovation from discovery to alpha: 6 tips for negotiating that grey area
David's 6 tips, to help UX and UI designers navigate the grey area between the discovery and alpha phases, may help you with your next project. We're recruiting into our Product Design teams right now - read on to find out more.
Continuous Improvement Lunch and Learn Sessions
You asked, we listened: the Continuous Improvement (CI) Network's Voice of the Customer survey identified topics of interest to you. We have used that insight to develop a series of engaging Lunch and Learn sessions, taking a closer look at some key CI techniques.
Join us at DataConnect21 from 27 September to 1 October 2021
DataConnect21 is almost here - a week of over 70 free online events and sessions for anyone working with data in the UK government and public sector - 27 September to 1 October. DataConnect21 is co-hosted by the Government Data …
Introducing the Animal Health and Welfare Pathway
Over the last couple of years, a group of farmers, supported by vets, specialists and Defra colleagues have worked together to design a way to help fellow farmers bolster the health and welfare of their stock, whilst at the same time improving their bottom line. We’re calling it the Animal Health and Welfare Pathway. In this post, I'll share more.
Building productive working relationships with stakeholders during a crisis
Head of Corporate Relations, Caroline Olaiya, takes time to reflect on how HMCTS has built productive relationships with stakeholders over the course of the pandemic.
Soil Health Action Plan to be launched
Today we look at Lord Goldsmith’s speech in the House of Lords where he announced a Soil Health Action Plan (SHAPE) for England will be published to restore the health of our soils.
Update on route reviews
As we move into autumn and the start of a new school year, work on all current route reviews is coming to a head and we can look forward to the launch of reports for four key sectors. A total …
Platforms and services: the GOV.UK architecture strategy
Find out how we’re meeting changing users’ expectations by evolving our architecture and infrastructure to be platforms and services.
Regulatory Position Statement on wastewater treatment
Time-limited position statement has robust conditions in place to mitigate risks to the environment
Pupils only need to isolate if they have symptoms of Covid-19 or if they test positive
This article contains out of date information about Covid-19 in schools. We no longer recommend routine testing. Please visit this link for up-to-date information. Pupils have returned to schools and colleges for the autumn term. There are fewer restrictions and pupils are now able to experience a …
BBSRC: Event Opportunity (The Future of Soil Science, Climate Change and Agriculture)
As part of the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council’s (BBSRC) COP26 preparations we have a series of webinars on specific disciplines, and I am preparing one in the soils space to be held on the 9th September at 1500-1700 …
MP Roundtable with the RPA - Richard Holden MP (North West Durham)
We held the second of our ‘MP Roundtable with the RPA’ events on 27 August with Richard Holden, MP for North West Durham. Held at St Thomas Hall in Stanhope, Paul Caldwell, our CEO, Ali Johnson, an RPA Director, members …
How will the new single sign-on and a GOV.UK Account work together?
We explain how the single sign-on system and GOV.UK Account will work together.
Geronimo the TB-positive alpaca – Initial post-mortem results
There has been widespread media reporting of the post-mortem results of the alpaca Geronimo which has twice tested positive for bovine tuberculosis (TB) using highly accurate tests. Experienced veterinary pathologists from the Government’s Animal and Plant Health Agency completed the …
A manifesto for Sellafield - what a difference a year makes
Twelve months ago, we published our manifesto, a one-page document that sets out the kind of organisation that we want to be. Co-created with our employees, it is already making a difference, as our CEO Martin Chown explains.