Bridging the divide to train Civil Service Leaders
A new Government Digital Service leadership programme aims to help support our Grade 6 and 7 future leaders The Government Digital Service is an 800-strong unit whose mission is to transform the provision of public services. Our goal is to …
Exploring misconceptions about the Single Justice Procedure
More convenient, simpler and less-resource heavy – the Single Justice Procedure (SJP) has many advantages for defendants who wish to plead guilty to minor offences and those processing their case. But some have criticised the process. Here Sian Jones, HMCTS Head of Legal and Professional Services, addresses some common misconceptions.
Podcast: Deploying and using ephemeral environments
Hear all about how we’re using ephemeral environments to help our teams develop and test updates, products and applications in a safe, self-contained environment.
Encouraging learner drivers to be better prepared for their test
We are working with researchers to help us to develop our campaign that will encourage learners to only book and take a driving test once they’re ready.
Podcast - Think digital, act human: future ways of working
What is future ways of working and why is it important? Jack Collier, Head of Digital for School Services, talks to Adaobi Ifeachor about designing office spaces now that we return to work, and how this impacts culture as well as diversity and inclusion.
Using the power of nature to increase flood resilience
James Bevan, Chief Executive of the Environment Agency At the Environment Agency we’re very good at building walls and embankments to reduce the risk of flooding to vulnerable communities. The trouble is, in a changing climate that is not enough. …
Coverage of COP26 as summit begins
There has been widespread coverage of the climate change summit COP26 which started yesterday (31 October). Following an interview with environmental editor Emma Gatten, a piece in The Daily Telegraph includes comments from the Environment Secretary regarding a range of …
Trustees’ Week, encouraging different perspectives
Today marks the start of Trustees’ Week, the time of year when we unite to celebrate the vital work of charity trustees.
FACTSHEET: Operation Warm Welcome in action
Resettlement for Afghan nationals arriving in UK The following outlines the wraparound support being provided to Afghan nationals through Operation Warm Welcome (OWW). OWW is a significant cross-government effort, ensuring Afghans and their families are supported upon arrival in the …
GAD’s getting ready for Glasgow
As delegates from around the world gather in Glasgow for the COP26 climate change conference, GAD looks at what is set to be debated and what the conclusions could mean for our clients.
How does school funding work and how does the Budget affect it?
This chart illustrates per pupil funding in real terms taking into account both funding through the National Funding Formula and other revenue streams. Every area, school and child is different so the way in which schools are funded can seem …
How can schools get involved with COP26 and climate change lessons?
At COP26 the DfE will be hosting a number of events to discuss climate change and sustainability in education. If you aren’t attending the conference, make sure you subscribe to: The DfE YouTube Channel and The official COP26 YouTube Channel to livestream events or watch on demand.
Eligible for a free flu vaccine this winter? Don’t wait, book it.
With flu and COVID-19 expected to be in wide circulation together this winter, we are urging more people than ever to get their free flu vaccine, if they are eligible. In this blog we answer some common questions about this year’s flu season.
Launching a consultation on conversion therapy
Mike Freer was recently appointed the Minister for Equalities, with a specific focus on LGBT rights. Read our Q and A with him where he discusses today's launch of the government’s proposals to ban conversion therapy and the accompanying consultation …
How we made the GOV.UK accordion component more accessible
We updated an accordion component to be more accessible and here’s how we did it.
GSE Strategy: A commitment to inclusivity
I am pleased to announce the launch of the Government Science & Engineering (GSE) Profession Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) Strategy. Following the launch of the 2021 GSE Profession Strategy, the Profession committed to providing detailed plans which would outline how …
Secondary school applications: What parents and prospective pupils need to know before deadline day
This Sunday (31 October) is the deadline for prospective pupils to submit their applications for state-funded secondary school places. Secondary school is an important and exciting step in pupils’ education, and many parents and guardians will have already submitted applications …
Windrush Compensation Scheme factsheet - October 2021
Windrush Compensation Scheme factsheet - October 2021 We are determined to put right the terrible injustices faced by some from the Windrush generation and the wider Commonwealth by successive governments. To help right those wrongs, the Home Office has put in place a range …
What new research tells us about the impact of COVID-19 on charities
We have long known anecdotally that the COVID-19 pandemic is having a profound impact on many charities. But as regulator, we needed more concrete data to help us understand how the pandemic has shaped charities so far, and, crucially, to gain a picture of the risks that may lie ahead. To that end, we undertook a project to assess the impacts of COVID-19.
Black History Month 2021 in the Civil Service
Thirty four years, and still going strong, October has marked Black History Month here in the UK. But what is it, and how does it impact civil servants? As Black History Month draws to a close, it’s got me thinking …
Podcast: How our Site Reliability Engineers migrated GOV.UK Pay
Wondered how to migrate a 24/7 product to a serverless platform? We chat about initial user research, developing DevOps skills and the benefits of GDS's approach to this type of tech project.
Planning for leaving care: some initial thoughts from our research
During National Care Leavers' Week, Yvette Stanley, our National Lead for Regulation and Social Care, discusses our forthcoming research publication on planning for leaving care.
An inside look into DVLA’s STEM programme
Mark Jones, Head of Ethical Hacking Services, and lead STEM ambassador, provides an insight into DVLA’s STEM programme.
Celebrating Black History Month 2021 at the Food Standards Agency
As Black History Month 2021 draws to a close, Freddie Lachhman, Transaction Officer at the Food Standards Agency, reflects on this year’s events.
Responding to the challenge of cold weather and winter
The Cold Weather Plan for England outlines actions and advice for reducing preventable cold weather-related deaths and ill-health. This blog explores how the plan meets the challenge posed by cold weather by planning for and responding to cold temperatures.
GDF Supplier Day – we need you
RWM Commercial Manager Paul Hinson reflects on a day of constructive discussions with potential suppliers to the UK GDF programme.
Flying high! Using drones to collect evidence of illegal waste sites
Kim Mynard, Regulatory Officer at the Environment Agency, discusses harnessing the power of drone technology to help take action against those causing harm to our environment. When I joined the Environment Agency about two and a half years ago, little …
Small data thinking in a big data world
The benefits of small data thinking in a big data world is examined in this latest blog. The process of verifying data has been central to analytical modelling for decades, but does this approach apply to big data?
Everything you need to know about the new Multiply programme
Reach new heights with Multiply. The government’s new £560 million programme to help transform the lives of hundreds of thousands of adults across the UK is coming in Spring 2022 and will be delivered through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. …
Environment Bill storm overflows amendment coverage
Today we are looking at media coverage of the announcement that the Environment Bill will be strengthened further to tackle water pollution.
The Camera That Mistook a Woman’s Jumper for a Car
It sounds like a book that the genius neurologist, the late Dr. Oliver Sacks might have written but it’s a true surveillance story that caught the attention of industry professionals last week. Suppliers, manufacturers and installers at the Global MSC …
Supporting Digital, Data and Technology (DDaT) professionals to progress
How we plan to transform progression routes for digital, data and technology professionals in government
Me and the pink elephant
To mark OCD Week, Alexia Cowley myth-busts a condition which is often misunderstood and provides top tips for anyone experiencing Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I’m going to ask you to try out one thing. Don’t think of a pink elephant. I …
Black History Month and the WRES have something in common
Posting a blog about the social care workplace race equality standard (WRES) during Black History Month gives this endeavour particular resonance. Four weeks of recognition, celebration and awareness raising of black culture helps us appreciate its incredible contribution to the cultural richness of our world. Our workplaces have benefited too, but not always at the individual level.
Simplifying conveyancing: making our digital channels easier to use
Making our digital channels easier to use and enabling the transfer of digital data across organisational boundaries will reduce requisitions, progress calls and speed up completion of cases.
Creeping it real this Halloween
As Halloween approaches, now is the time that trick or treaters everywhere are planning their spooky costumes. Here are our tips on staying safe from poor quality counterfeits and 'creeping it real'.
How the Covid-19 pandemic has shaped a new way of managing my level 7 Master degree apprenticeship
Alexandra Pyatt, Senior Apprenticeship Policy Manager in the Apprenticeship Service, talks about her journey of a Level 7 Senior Leaders Master’s Degree Apprenticeship.
Explaining the Single Justice Procedure in the magistrates’ court
535,000 cases were heard by magistrates via the Single Justice Procedure (SJP) in 2020. It's an accessible, proportionate, effective and more efficient way – for both the defendant and the courts – to hear less serious cases that will not …
How the Digital, Data and Technology team champion wellbeing, inclusion, and collaboration
Find out how we use technology to boost remote collaboration and stay well-connected
COP26: Time for talks at green summit... then action
Clare Nasir looks at why the evolving landscape of climate science fuels a note of optimism for Glasgow When I first heard the announcement that the Nobel Prize in Physics winners were climate scientists, Fatboy Slim’s epic album You’ve Come …